Category Archives: Writers

The Dead Club by Manuel Ruiz–Review by Bethanie

The Dead Club Manuel Ruiz


The Dead Club

by: Manuel Ruiz

Genre: Middle School Sci-Fi


First of all, don’t let the title sway you away from reading this great book. When I was first asked to review this book, the title caused me to question it. However, I am so glad I read it!

It is not very often I run across a book that has so many different elements mixed in it and yet made an easily flowing story out of it. Mr. Ruiz did it! I was very pleased!

There were parts that made me laugh and parts that made me a little teary and still others that kept me riveted to my seat. I loved this book! Another Bethanie’s Fave has been found. Thank you Mr. Ruiz for sharing your book with me!

The thought of eternity scares many people. In this book it was turned into a continuing adventure. I loved going with the young characters in this book as they fall into a Ghost Town, meet a character named Elvissarian whom was a Memphus and be able to ride in a Cadillac Convertible with the Grim Reaper at the wheel. Grim was my favorite character! Some of the things he did in this book were nothing like what one might associate with him. I loved the spin on the underworld. Reality and Mythology mix and make it one of the best stories I have read in a long time!

I would recommend this book to anyone. Even told my son he would probably enjoy it too.

Thank you Mr. Ruiz for sharing your fantastic book with me!




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Filed under Adventure, Authors, Bethanie's Fave, Bethanie's Fave Authors, Middle Grade Readers, Sci-fi, Writers

So it has come to my attention . . .

It has come to my attention that there are some authors–Indie authors–that could be a little upset with me. However, I will not change my requirements for this blog. I have, however, made a decision. I will create a new blog for books that a more mature audience might read. This blog will stay middle-school and Children’s books. My new blog will make its appearance soon. Until then I will keep a list of the authors I have had to turn down for reviews. My new blog will be for readers ages 16 and up. The two main requirements on the new blog will remain:  no sexually explicit books or books that use explicit language. So, coming soon, look for Everley Dawn’s Novel Reviews. I have several I am going to move from my YA blog to my new blog. Thank you for your patience!



Filed under Authors, Reading, Reviews Advice, Writers, Writing

One Hit Wonders (One Series Wonders)

There have always been those bands that have that amazing one hit that sends them to the top of the charts and then they’re never heard from again, or they try and they don’t succeed, nor try again. It’s the same with some authors. The authors of Harry Potter and Twilight are prime examples. Did they write other books? Well, yes, of course, but do you remember those other books? Some may and some may not.

In my opinion, Harry Potter and Twilight will be forever. I am a huge fan of both, however I noticed they seemed to have no desire or lost part of it when they became “famous”. It makes me wonder if being a NYTBS author is so stressful that they lose their want to write again. What happens to those that have hit it big?

I have noticed that Indie authors never lose their want to write. It seems to be a part of them. It becomes almost like breathing. If we happen to hit it big, then great, but we keep writing because ideas keep coming into our minds. I hope Indies never lose their desire.

Would I love to become an NYTBS author, of course, but so would many others. I read Indies because, to me, there is always something to learn from them. There are so many ways to tell a story. Pick yours and run with it. And as always, keep reading, keep learning from others. Keep striving for your goal, never stop writing, never stop improving! Happy reading and writing!


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Earth 5 by Hustin Lindenhall–Review by Bethanie

Earth 5

Earth 5

By: Hustin Lindenhall

Genre: YA Sci-Fi

Parallel worlds and I go way back. I love amazing stories that go with them and this was definitely one of them! He made the unbelievable, believable.

This was not your run-of-the-mill parallel world story. It was thought-provoking in an eerie way. The one song that kept running through my mind as I was reading this book was Imagine–by John Lennon. As a matter of fact, Imagine could be the theme song for this book. It is a make-you-think book, just like John Lennon’s song is a make-you-think song. Would there be any need for competition if there was nothing to compete for? Of course not. If we all had one goal we would all work together to reach it.

I think Mr. Lindenhall is our start, at sixteen he has created an amazing story. Maybe there is still hope for our Earth after all.

I wish to thank Mr. Lindenhall for sharing his novel with me.


The writing was kind of jumpy to begin with, but as soon as the story started getting into the main part it quit being jumpy. The storyline is rather unique. It was almost as if this really happened. He had me believing it. Colorado does have a tendency to be magical and who wouldn’t want to take in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. I have been there and would love to go back.

Warning–This book does have some expletives in it. I believe the story could have been just fine without them. Some feel the need to use those in their stories. I think they can be taken out. Some may agree and some may not. It is their choice.

If asked, I would recommend this book. It had more deep thoughts in it than the most engrossing conversation with the most intelligent human on Earth. There are so many talented young people and I believe I have found one in Hustin Lindenhall. Never stop writing. I look forward to reading the next book! Happy reading!


I was given a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. No monetary exchange was made.

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Filed under Reading, Sci-fi, Sci-fi--Up and Coming, Writers, YA, Young Authors

The Fifth House by Andy Goldman–Review by Bethanie

Fifth House Andy Goldman

The Fifth House

by: Andy Goldman

Genre: YA Sci-Fi


Well, I will have to admit that I liked this book better than the first–much more action in it.

In The Fifth House, the way the story was laid out was excellent. Mr. Goldman wrote it from the two main characters’ perspectives. Each chapter built upon the other. Although frustrating at times, where he would end the chapter, I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what happened next. It kept me reading until sometimes the wee hours of the morning. The action never stopped, even through the ending sentence of the book. However, cliffhanger, once again.

I really don’t like cliffhangers. Nonetheless, it is each author’s choice to how they end their books.


I was pleased to see much more depth to the background stories of the characters. It gave me a much bigger interest in some and hate others even more.


The writing and storyline this time were fantastic, however there was more profanity used in this book and a few scenes that were questionable but turned out okay. It kept you guessing with a few major surprises. It also made me want to scream at times too. The jumping between character perspectives was good but happened at some of the most inopportune times. You had to keep reading.

Good authors do that. They make the reader unable to put the book down. There were times, though, that it frustrated me enough to where I had to take a break from reading it. I was right back at it sometime later. It called to me, there was no way to stop reading it altogether. Happy Reading!





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Filed under Reading, Sci-fi, Writers, Writing, YA

How can one of the best series I have ever read leave me heartbroken and happy at the same time?

From the beginning of this blog, I promised I wouldn’t leave a review on here that was one of the authors of the “BIG FIVE”. I will still keep that promise. However, I never said I wouldn’t share my thoughts. So here it goes. I just finished a series where the main character–the heroine–doesn’t make it. I am not going to tell you what series it is.

I am not one that likes surprises, usually, but I really wasn’t surprised at the way this series ended. The end left me heartbroken because she was the backbone of the whole series. At the same time, it left me happy because one of the main people that could never leave her mind, she was reunited with, in the afterlife. I read a ton of symbolism into this book, but that may not be what the author was going for, so I will keep that to myself.

I loved this author’s novels because they always lead back to the same thing. You cannot achieve peace until people stop thinking one is better than the other. Killing never made the world a better place.  The end of killing is what made the world a better place, but that will never stop.

You know, at one time, the dystopian genre was never where I would step foot. Even just the hearing of the word dystopian made me want to run the other way. Dystopian and dysfunctional in my opinion mean the same thing. Don’t we all live in dysfunction? Don’t we all live in a dystopia? Is your life the perfection that you always dreamed of? We cannot achieve peace for ourselves until we accept that life–if you will pardon the cliche–“life is not always perfect”.

Are there perfect times? It depends on how you take a situation and how you can use it to strengthen yourself or weaken yourself. It is always your choice. God granted us that–human choice.

Life throws curveballs that we sometimes never see coming, or maybe we do see them coming and refuse to catch them. Since it is baseball season here in the United States, I will leave you with this. When a pitcher throws a curveball, the batter is going to do his best to hit that ball. Sometimes he doesn’t and misses an opportunity. Sometimes he hits a home run. Sometimes he hits it and only makes one base. However, I think I would swing pretty much at anything because at least I have tried, and trying is better than not trying.

Thank you for allowing me to clear my head.

Who knows? Maybe, one day, the words that God has given me the talent to create, the brain to use to the best of my ability, the fingers to be able to write down, will hit a home run. I will never quit trying. I can never quit trying!

Happy writing,


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Filed under Authors, Reading, Writers, Writing

An Author’s Heart

I have been many things in my life. I started off as a teacher and taught for fifteen years. Then I became a wife. Then I became a mother. Then I became a writer, an author, an editor, and now a book reviewer. I have read some of the most amazing books.
The amazing books that I am speaking of, most have come from independent authors. I would love to see them succeed and show how talented they are.
The others are the millionaire authors. Some are really good authors. However, some of those have decided that their name alone sells books. That is not true. The content and the heart of any author is what makes their books, not their name.
I believe Indie authors have an incredible chance to become known names. The fact remains, though, that once they become known, what happens then? Do they turn into those that believe their name is their “power” and forget what made them start writing in the first place? I have seen some that haven’t, but I have seen even more that have.
Never forget where you began, because the minute you do, you are on your way to the end.
Just some thoughts for the day. Happy writing!!

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